Soccer on Saturday 11, January at 12:10

→ Organized by Capucine

Open soccer match
12:10 → 13:40
Hassan Won't be there
Momo Won't be there
Flogom Won't be there
Fredopolo Won't be there
Adam✈️ Won't be there
Junior Has been invited
David Has been invited

Muller Pierrot joined the match

Muller Pierrot joined the match

Muller Pierrot has blocked a spot for Tim

Vlad joined the match

Pierre G joined the match

Pierre G joined the match

gauvfjk joined the match

gauvfjk joined the match

Zeus joined the match

Zeus joined the match

Wadii joined the match

Wadii joined the match

Tenzin ngodop joined the match

Tenzin ngodop joined the match

Bart_22 joined the match

Fredopolo joined the match

Fredopolo left the match


10/1 10:07

Bonjour, je voudrais assister au match et je voudrais savoir comment ça ce passe. C'est un 5/5 ou 7/7 avec changement?


10/1 11:29

bjr. c´est quoi comme terrain?


10/1 11:31

C un terrain 5v5


10/1 11:37

en synthé?


10/1 11:45

Oui, c mieux de jouer en crampons qu en stabilise car le terrain glisse pas mal avec le froid et la pluie


10/1 11:49

Non non Bart, les crampons ça blesse donc on évite complètement : chaussures de futsal ou sport mais pas de crampons.

Oui c’est d’un synthétique

Robot Assistant

10/1 12:10

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?


10/1 12:32

merci pour info. si je peux venir je serai inscrit vers 17h.


10/1 14:02

merci pour info. si je peux venir je serai inscrit vers 17h.

Masbahi joined the match

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