Salut les gars, quelqu’un aura un ballon ? Si non, vous pouvez passer chez moi cette semaine prendre celui de Hassan que j’ai avec moi. J’habite à Boucicaut
LEK_Özil joined the match
Lahlou1 joined the match
Wadii has blocked a spot for Othmane
The match is full : a waiting list is now available
Tommaso Tonci left the match
Robot Assistant
01/12 12:00
The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?
29/11 11:51
01/12 12:00
01/12 15:19
01/12 16:44
02/12 11:43
02/12 12:00
02/12 12:00
02/12 13:30
08/12 14:39
08/12 19:04
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