Soccer on Friday 24, November at 12:10

→ Organized by Khris ( Black unik Fox )

Open soccer match
12:10 → 13:45
Oussama Won't be there
Nikki Won't be there
Achim Reichert Won't be there
Azhero Won't be there
Adnane rami Won't be there
Fiden Won't be there
Jeffrey Annert Won't be there
ALEX Won't be there
Didier Won't be there
Youssef Won't be there
Jacem09 Maybe
Clementevd Has been invited
Flogom Has been invited
Raed Has been invited
ThomasAudren Has been invited
Redouane Has been invited
Amine chafi Has been invited
Louceny Has been invited
Assimiou Has been invited
Carlos Has been invited
C.Safouen Has been invited
Macchu Picchu Has been invited
Loic Has been invited
Zeus Has been invited
KiriKhou Has been invited
Le Roi 👑 Has been invited
vixay Has been invited
Tom_bt Has been invited
Rachid Has been invited
Hb24 Has been invited
Capucine Has been invited
Gaeiv Has been invited
Salif Has been invited
Jrm92 Has been invited
Bilel Has been invited
Renato Has been invited
Mehdi06000 Has been invited
Corentin Collignon Has been invited
Yasser m Has been invited
Guillaume Collin Has been invited
Arsenii Has been invited
Hamid Has been invited
Anthony Roux Has been invited
Joss Has been invited
Joannn Has been invited
Abdel75 Has been invited
YacineR Has been invited
Khris ( Black unik Fox )

23/11 13:10

Que qqn ramène des chasubles ( et un ballon au cas où si un ballon. Se dégonfle et explose )

Adnane rami joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

23/11 13:11

Allez les gens montrons à William que khris le renard noir ( black fox ) sait aussi organiser des matchs , montrons lui que je pèse aussi dans la balance

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

23/11 13:11

Montrons lui que mes matchs sont meilleurs que les siens !!!!!!

Jeffrey Annert joined the match

Didier joined the match

Fiden joined the match

Azhero joined the match

Rahmi joined the match

Jacem09 joined the match

Baccari joined the match

Azhero left the match

Adnane rami left the match

Jacem09 left the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

24/11 04:46

Les amis venez quand même, je vous garantis que nous trouverons des joueurs sur place car il y'a trop souvent des joueurs non inscrits sur Footinho à Suzanne Lenglenn et qui cherchent à jouer (je le sais par experience). Nous trouverons très facilement 7-8 joueurs, de plus le temps est normal aujourd'hui ce qui incitera des joueurs à venir.

Youssef joined the match

Fiden left the match

ALEX joined the match

Jeffrey Annert left the match


24/11 10:49

C’est comment les gars on va faire un voley ou quoi motiver vous rhoo


24/11 11:10

Vaut mieux annuler

ALEX left the match


24/11 11:12

J annule on est que 5.

Didier left the match

Youssef left the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

24/11 11:33

Moi j'y vais quand même vous verrais qu'il y'aura match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

24/11 11:45

Je supporte pas les suiveurs je les considère comme des moutons , il suffit qu'un rat se barre pour que toute la meute le suive , faut avoir un peu d'honneur dans la vie

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

24/11 11:51

Je vous avais dit que ça allait jouer , là on est 8 et on va affronter une équipe de potes

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

24/11 12:10

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!


24/11 12:10

moi je viendrais plus tard

Robot Assistant

24/11 13:45

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 24 November at 12:10