Soccer on Tuesday 26, September at 12:00

→ Organized by William2306

Open soccer match
12:00 → 13:45

Waiting List

Didier Won't be there
Nikki Won't be there
Abdelouadoud Won't be there
Renato Won't be there
Cristobal Won't be there
matteo cocchi Won't be there
Am_in_on Won't be there
C.Safouen Won't be there
Arnaud H Won't be there
NabilBen Won't be there
Alexis_Archer Has been invited
Giuseppe scariati Has been invited
Simone De Serio Has been invited
Davidino Has been invited
Flogom Has been invited
Guy AGB Has been invited
Zeus Has been invited
Tenzin ngodop Has been invited
Baccari Has been invited
Thomas Graffeo Has been invited
Gabin Has been invited
Eduardo Magno Has been invited
KiriKhou Has been invited
Alex92 Has been invited
Youssef Has been invited
alez Has been invited
Jeffrey Annert Has been invited
Denden Has been invited
Prian Has been invited
hynzieh Has been invited
Jean Christophe Has been invited
Louceny Has been invited
Redouane lenglen Has been invited
Anthony Roux Has been invited
Vidou Has been invited
Duhan Has been invited
Walidos Has been invited
Jacem09 Has been invited
Choukri koko Has been invited
Ms Has been invited
Massamba Has been invited
Alexis Has been invited
Rousseau Mathieu Has been invited
Rio Has been invited
Daniel Thorpe Has been invited
Moussa Has been invited
vixay Has been invited
Hugo2302 Has been invited
ALEX 77 Has been invited
Carlos Has been invited
ThomasAudren Has been invited
Anthony Has been invited
Hamid Has been invited
Nadir_brs Has been invited
Jeremy Fleury Has been invited

Amine chafi joined the match

Oussama joined the match

Amine chafi joined the match

Oussama joined the match

William2306 has blocked a spot for Pat

William2306 has blocked a spot for Del piero

William2306 has blocked a spot for Adel

NabilBen joined the match

Clementevd joined the match

Keyvan Naraghi joined the match

wiwiper joined the match

Bel Kacem joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox ) joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

22/9 22:13

Le titanic a coulé car le capitaine du navire etait impressionné par la grosse tete de Fiden  il a pas vu l'iceberg arrivé droit devant lui

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

22/9 22:14

La tete a fiden est tellement grosse et lourde que quand il conduit  avec l'apesanteur il a juste à tourner sa grosse tete à droite pr aller à droite et tourner sa grosse tete à gauche pr aller à gauche

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

22/9 22:15

Quand Fiden bouge sa grosse tete dans tout les sens il parvient à decrypter la chaine canal +

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

22/9 22:15

A haloween une fille a demandé a sa mere :  " maman maman c'est lui le croque mitaine ? " en pointant Fiden du doigt , sa mere a repondu : " bien evidemment ma cherie avec une grosse tete pareille ca peut etre que lui "

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

22/9 22:15

Michael Myers , Freddy et Jason Vorhees sont au chomage car ils font plus peur à personne , Fiden les a detroné avec sa grosse tete

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

22/9 22:16

Quand fiden joue au foot on a vaguement l'impression qu'il promene son chien

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

22/9 22:16

La seule maniere pour Fiden de briller au foot c'est en restant chez lui

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

22/9 22:16

Les pigeons voyageurs n'osent jamais s'approcher du terrain quand Fiden a la balle

Titicoco joined the match

Raed joined the match

Guillaume Collin joined the match

Cheikh-Idoumou joined the match

Franç joined the match

matteo cocchi joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

matteo cocchi left the match

Am_in_on joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Am_in_on left the match

Paulo_henry joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Rachid joined the waiting list

Fiden joined the waiting list


25/9 08:54

Khris est-ce qu’il reste de la place pour ton spectacle au Bataclan ?

C.Safouen joined the waiting list

C.Safouen left the waiting list

Invited players have been notified

Redouane joined the waiting list

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

25/9 12:07

Mec il reste aux 1eres loges si tu veux

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

25/9 12:08

Il reste une place aux 1eres loges si tu veux

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

25/9 12:08

Ce sont des places pour les victimes , y'a ecrit " victime " sur le siège je t'en reserve une


26/9 02:51

Yo la team est ce qu’il y a un absent pour un +1?

Rachid automatically added to the match from the waiting list

NabilBen left the match


26/9 11:25

Je viens quand même


26/9 11:43

Il y’a personne ancore


26/9 11:43

Moi je suis là

Fiden automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Khris ( Black unik Fox ) left the match


26/9 11:54

Je suis là aussi

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

26/9 12:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Guillaume Collin

26/9 12:05

Quel terrain les gars svp?

Robot Assistant

26/9 13:45

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

The match is over

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

26/9 17:10

Comment a joué fiden les gars ? Faites moi rire svp ?

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 26 September at 12:00