Soccer on Friday 7, April at 21:30

→ Organized by Bouks

Open soccer match
21:30 → 23:00


Charlyz (added by Bouks)
Thp (added by Bouks)
Fabio (added by Bouks)
Antony (added by Bouks)
Jeremy (added by Bouks)
Nikos94 Won't be there
Bouks Won't be there

Bouks has blocked a spot for Charlyz

Bouks has blocked a spot for Thp

Bouks has blocked a spot for Fabio

Bouks has blocked a spot for Antony

Bouks has blocked a spot for Jeremy

Nikos94 left the match

Azizhi joined the match

Joueur9 joined the match

Hamza bok joined the match

Bouks left the match

Bouks cancelled the match


05/4 11:31

Bonjour, le match est-il maintenu ou annulé ? Merci


05/4 13:04

Bonjour, c'est marqué que c'est annulé

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

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