Soccer on Saturday 4, February at 12:00

→ Organized by Capucine

Open soccer match
12:00 → 13:20
Wadii Removed
Eliott Removed
Eliott Removed
Sissako Won't be there
vixay Won't be there
YacineR Won't be there
Carlos Oliveira Has been invited
gauvfjk Has been invited
Alfred Rabany Has been invited
Yassine Has been invited
Pierre G Has been invited
Habiballah Has been invited
Fiden Has been invited
Youssef Has been invited
Marouaneunited Has been invited
Salif Has been invited
Eduardo Magno Has been invited
Couvidou Has been invited

Wadii joined the match

Nacer29 joined the match

Mika joined the match

Vlad joined the match

Capucine has blocked a spot for Eliott

Capucine has blocked a spot for Eliott

Capucine has blocked a spot for Eliott

Capucine has removed the player Eliott

Capucine has removed the player Eliott

Joejey joined the match

Sissako joined the match

Sissako left the match

Tahab joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox ) joined the match

YacineR joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Stan wlg joined the waiting list

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

02/2 18:56

Fiden oubli pas de ramner un couteau demain pr eplucher les oranges pendant qu'on joue, on aura faim apres le match


03/2 21:46

Bonsoir, désolé l'équipe, j'ai eu un empêchement de dernière minute, je laisse ma place pour la personne en réserve

Stan wlg automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Khris ( Black unik Fox ) left the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

03/2 23:20

Pareil j'ai un empechement à l'instant , ma fille est malade je dois la voir demain

Wadii has been removed from the players


04/2 10:56

Salut les gars, on en parlait avec JB (Joeyjoey) : avec ce temps ça va glisser à mort ! Et On est que 8 (désistement Khris et Wadii); je vais annuler le match pour qu’on évite de se viander et pour ne pas choper la crève en attendant d’autres joueurs

Capucine cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

You can't join this match because it was canceled.