Soccer on Tuesday 3, January at 11:45

→ Organized by C.Safouen

Open soccer match
11:45 → 13:45
Zlallan Won't be there
Mathieu Aimelem Won't be there
vixay Won't be there
William2306 Has been invited
AHCENE Has been invited
Denis Rasta Has been invited
Zeus Has been invited
ZIED Has been invited
Yassine Has been invited
Zekeri Has been invited
Guy AGB Has been invited
YacineR Has been invited
Christ Has been invited
Sami93000 Has been invited
BaptisteS Has been invited
Guizmo Has been invited
Othman92 Has been invited
AlexOM Has been invited
Loic Has been invited
Clément R Has been invited
Haroun O Has been invited
TAI SIR Has been invited
Flours Has been invited
Abdel75 Has been invited

Fiden joined the match


02/1 09:34

Tous mes meilleurs vœux pour cette année.

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

02/1 09:37

Bonne année à tous

Mathieu Aimelem joined the match


02/1 09:52

Une année plein de dribbles,de petits ponts,grand pont,contrôle de la poitrine,du tibia,du genou,du nez,du menton!
En la mémoire de Pelé !

Redouane joined the match


02/1 10:40

Bonne année et bonne santé à tous !!! ^^

hynzieh joined the match

ThomasAudren joined the match

Zlallan joined the match

Amine chafi joined the match

Luc joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox ) joined the match


02/1 14:31

Bonne année les gars

vixay joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

02/1 20:39

Yo flours tu dates bonne annee mon potr

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

02/1 20:39

Refile moi ton num de suisse en privee stp jai changé de phone


02/1 23:09

Bonne année flo! I Hope you are doing well!


02/1 23:09

Sok di pimay


02/1 23:12

Flours ,Khris a besoin de tes conseils pour placer son argent

Ralph joined the match

Hadjout Sehil adem joined the match

Zlallan left the match


03/1 09:10

salut les gars


03/1 09:10

ya bien match?


03/1 09:13

Ouï il y’a match.


03/1 09:15

Oui le match est toujours maintenu


03/1 09:16

mercii à toute

Mathieu Aimelem left the match

vixay left the match


03/1 10:05

Il y’a toujours des joueurs sur places.C’est le premier match de l’année 2023.


03/1 10:07

Des qu’il y a un qui quitte le match il effets boules de neige.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi les gens se découragent ?

Clementevd joined the match


03/1 10:28

Je serai là. Bonne année à tous !


03/1 10:28

Hésite pas à m'ajouter Safouen, j'avais pas vu le match


03/1 11:40

Je suis arrivé


03/1 11:43

Je suis en route


03/1 11:44


Kick-off : match is starting

Jazz joined the match


03/1 12:58

Y’a personne du coup ?

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 3 January at 11:45