Soccer on Friday 2, September at 11:50

→ Organized by C.Safouen

Open soccer match
11:50 → 13:45
Mathieu Aimelem Won't be there
Hb24 Won't be there
Othman92 Won't be there
Clementevd Won't be there
Cristobal Won't be there
Hugo2302 Won't be there
Tom_bt Won't be there
Leo_ksr Won't be there
Assimiou Won't be there
gasco Has been invited
Nao Kayzeur Has been invited
Guy AGB Has been invited
Nalban Iurie Has been invited
Guizmo Has been invited
AlexOM Has been invited
Softbank Robotics Has been invited
Lhass Has been invited
Jorge A. Has been invited
Loic Has been invited
Jonatinho Has been invited
Clément R Has been invited
Haroun O Has been invited
Edwin Has been invited
TAI SIR Has been invited
Baky22 Has been invited
Abdel75 Has been invited
Francois96 Has been invited

Ivan joined the match

Eduardo Magno joined the match

Mathieu Aimelem joined the match

KiriKhou joined the match

William2306 joined the match

Leo_ksr joined the match


29/8 16:32

Pas de foot demain ?

vixay joined the match

Mathieu Aimelem

29/8 16:36

Woops, j'ai accepté trop vite. J'avais oublié que ce vendredi pour une fois je serai pas dispo. :(

Mathieu Aimelem left the match

Macchu Picchu joined the match


29/8 16:51

j'ai crée un autre match pour demain

Ms joined the match

Redouane joined the match

Flours joined the match

AHCENE joined the match

Zeus joined the match

ThomasAudren joined the match


29/8 23:57

Salut les gars, je débarque sur cette appli, je peux me joindre au match vendredi ?

Khris ( Black unik Fox ) joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

30/8 09:07

Pr pouvoir te joindre à ce match thomas il faut avoir un bon cv footbalistique : ramasseur de balle professionnel , cireur de crampons (brillance absolue) , cireur de banc ( en le lechant si le besoin s'en fait sentir ) , excellent laveur de chasubles ( avec du Dash 2 en 1 recommandé ) , livreur de canette en periode de forte chaleur , se sacrifie pr aller au cage sans que personne te le demande , si tu remplis tous ces criteres t'es le bienvenu mon pote ^^


30/8 10:32


Hugo2302 joined the match

Christ joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Assimiou joined the waiting list

The organizer has edited the lineups

Louceny, Tom_bt, gasco, Nao Kayzeur , Rachid , Guy AGB, Nalban Iurie, , AlexOM, Softbank Robotics, , Jorge A., Loic, , Clément R, Haroun O, , TAININHO, Baky22, Khouia, Abdel75, Francois96 invited players have received a reminder

Rachid joined the waiting list

Assimiou automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Hugo2302 left the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

01/9 18:08

Flours pour ton dernier match t'as interet à bien jouer mdr

Louceny joined the waiting list

The organizer has edited the lineups


02/9 07:54

Bonjour, j'ai fait une proposition des équipes. Si ça vous va, on gagnera du temps pour commencer le match. A +


02/9 08:22



02/9 08:22

Willi tu ramène la glacière ? Je vais apporter des canettes.

Rachid automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Leo_ksr left the match

Louceny automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Assimiou left the match

Eduardo Magno

02/9 11:10

Slt, il y aura match même si il pleut?

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

02/9 11:19

Wilou si t fauché ramene du sirop de menthe flours comprendra, les temps sont durs mdr

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

02/9 11:19

Safouen ta compo est magistrale t'as cree une equipe de defaitiste .... bon jsuis en route


02/9 11:37

Ça joue sur quel terrain les gars ?

Kick-off : match is starting

Eduardo Magno

02/9 12:03



02/9 12:05

J'arrive, 12.20


02/9 12:16

Désolé les gars

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 2 September at 11:50