Soccer on Friday 31, December at 11:50

→ Organized by Massi

Open soccer match
11:50 → 13:45
Pat Removed
Rachid Removed
Pat Removed
Houssein Removed
Houssein Removed
Ms Removed
frederic bellanger Won't be there
KiriKhou Won't be there
William2306 Won't be there
Francaparis Won't be there
Flours Won't be there
Rachid Won't be there
Loic Won't be there
Lsko Has been invited
Abde90 Has been invited
Carlos Has been invited
Jeremy Fleury Has been invited
Jrm92 Has been invited
Bassem Has been invited
Mimoun Has been invited
Chrisdom Has been invited
El’92 Has been invited
Tom_bt Has been invited
ZIED Has been invited
Mathieu Aimelem Has been invited
Jamel Has been invited
Ricardo Has been invited
youssef cherif Has been invited
Rachid Has been invited
Youssef Has been invited
TAI SIR Has been invited

Massi has blocked a spot for Pat

Massi has removed the player Pat

Massi has blocked a spot for Rachid

Sarkissian joined the match

Sarkissian left the match

Sarkissian joined the match

C.Safouen joined the match

Macchu Picchu joined the match

Anis’rrrr joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox ) joined the match

Fiden joined the match

amir75lz joined the match

Fiden has blocked a spot for Pat

vixay joined the match

Fiden has blocked a spot for Houssein

Fiden has blocked a spot for Houssein

Zeus joined the match

Ms joined the match

Oussama joined the match

Rachid joined the match

Fiden has removed the player Pat

Fiden has removed the player Houssein


28/12 15:12

Vixay is back !

SEdji joined the match

SEdji has removed the player Ms

Abde90 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Saad El joined the waiting list

Joss joined the waiting list

Francaparis joined the waiting list


28/12 20:30

Ça fait plaiz fiden. Je peux pas louper le dernier match de l'année.


28/12 20:35

Ça fait plaiz fiden. Je peux pas louper le dernier match de l'année.


28/12 20:36

Ça me ferait plaisir de te revoir !


28/12 20:37

Pareil mec. A vendredi alors.


28/12 23:22

Putain c'est déjà complet


28/12 23:23



29/12 00:41

Viens quand même tu ne vas pas louper le dernier match de l’année


29/12 14:47

oui ok je vais venir

Francaparis left the waiting list


29/12 18:41

Finalement je ne pourrais pas venir vendredi.. un imprévu de dernière minute.. bon match pour vendredi les gars


29/12 21:46

Massi il faut que tu retires Rachid de rajout de joueur ,il est inscrit déjà !Si c’est le même Rachid qu’on parle ou un autre pote à toi ?


29/12 22:00

Messieurs pas de désistement j’espère !
C’est le dernier match de l’année.

Baky22 joined the waiting list

Invited players have been notified

Saad El automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Massi has removed the player Rachid

Flours left the waiting list

Joss automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Rachid left the match

Baky22 automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Fiden has removed the player Houssein


31/12 11:47

2ème terrain , c'est pas carré ya personne il est 11h50

Kick-off : match is starting


31/12 11:51

La dans 15 minutes

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 31 December at 11:50