Soccer on Friday 25, June at 11:50

→ Organized by Baky22

Open soccer match
11:50 → 13:30
Tim prt Won't be there
Jorge A. Won't be there
Kerry Won't be there
Assimiou Removed
Rachid Removed
alexom Removed
AlexOM Removed
vixay Removed
Wakrim abdel Won't be there
SEdji Won't be there
Vlad Won't be there
PATOU Won't be there
8clubs Won't be there
Jacques1990 Won't be there
Sendy Won't be there
Mickael Che Has been invited
SM Has been invited
alex_bler Has been invited
Mamadou Sarr LO Has been invited
Jrm92 Has been invited
Luxbru Has been invited
Tony B. Has been invited
Jow__ Has been invited
Mehdi Has been invited
C.Safouen Has been invited

Othman92 joined the match

William2306 joined the match

Ms joined the match

Baky22 has blocked a spot for Assimiou

Baky22 has blocked a spot for Rachid

PATOU joined the match

TAI SIR joined the match

Clément R joined the match

KiriKhou joined the match

tibo joined the match

Baky22 has blocked a spot for alexom

Baky22 has removed the player alexom

Baky22 has blocked a spot for AlexOM

Baky22 has blocked a spot for vixay

Baky22 has removed the player vixay

Baky22 has removed the player Assimiou

Baky22 has removed the player Rachid

Baky22 has removed the player AlexOM

Assimiou joined the match

Vlad joined the match

Jacques1990 joined the match

Rachid joined the match

Loic joined the match

Fiden joined the match


24/6 09:51

Je m'inscris car il est possible que je puisse être là

Mostafa joined the match


24/6 11:53

Qui ramène les dossards ?

vixay joined the match


24/6 13:36

Je les ramènerai ;)

Youssef joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


24/6 19:28

Personne d'autres à des chasuble? parce que vu comment il a plus mardi moi je vous dit ils vont pas sentir la rose


24/6 20:12

Dsl imprévu de dernière minute, je ne serai pas de la partie demain


24/6 21:10

Ne vous fier à la météo de l'application de l'iPhone.Attendez le jour même parfois Ils annoncent la pluie alors c'est juste nuageux.
Regardez plutôt météo France sur l'application.

KiriKhou has blocked a spot for Bappé

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

PATOU left the match

Clément R

25/6 08:55

Patrick a quitté le match, quelqu'un d'autre à des chasubles ?


25/6 10:07

Moi perso j'ai pas


25/6 10:20

Viens avec t-shirt blanc et noir

Jacques1990 left the match


25/6 10:40

Ouais Désolé j'ai un souci Internet. J'attends le tech de SFR.


25/6 10:41

Othman peut les prendre mais comme j'ai dit ils sont pas lavés


25/6 11:21

Je ne suis pas chaud de le mettre si c’est pas propre… 🤣

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open


25/6 14:52

Bon match et bon esprit les gars. À mardi pour ceux qui seront là. Bon week-end à tous 🤙


25/6 14:55

Je plousse! 🤙
Pour info, je lave les chasubles et les ramène pour mardi prochain.
Merci à tous! ;)


25/6 15:01

Merci pour ce match les gars !!! Great !!!
Bon week-end à tous, reposez-vous bien, à Mardi ^^


25/6 16:20

Bon week-end les gars et peut être vendredi.


26/6 12:42

Baky ta remise en questions a porté ses fruits tu passes de 6 à 6,2 LOL.Tu ne pourra jamais détrôner Assimiou.Son règne va durer un moment !


27/6 13:30

A part si je lui met 0 mardi 🤣

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 25 June at 11:50