Soccer on Monday 3, January at 20:00

→ Organized by Paolo88

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:00


Loris Removed
Nico R9 Won't be there

Matteo Massaro Check joined the match

Ruggero Innocente joined the match

marius joined the match

SamuelBortoletto joined the match

Enrico joined the match

Paolo88 has blocked a spot for Loris

Caia joined the match

Nico R9 joined the match

Nico R9 left the match


03/1 11:31

Ho prenotato al Vertigo dallle 20-21 se si trovano 2 persone

marius has blocked a spot for Gianluca

Paolo88 has removed the player Loris


03/1 14:17

Io aspetto 2 risposte. Se mi dicono di no non ho altri da chiedere


03/1 15:20

Per me possiamo fare anche 4 contro 4 se siamo tutti d'accordo


03/1 15:26

Per me ok, al momento non ho ancora disdetto il campo. Gli altri cosa dicono?

Matteo Massaro Check

03/1 15:35

Per me ok

Ruggero Innocente

03/1 15:45

Per me no


03/1 16:42

Cosa facciamo? Immagino che salta.

Matteo Massaro Check

03/1 16:48

Forse Bobo ha il decimo

Matteo Massaro Check has blocked a spot for Bobo

Matteo Massaro Check has blocked a spot for Bobo 2

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


03/1 17:21

Ricordo a tutti al Vertigo alle 20


03/1 19:38

Campo 2

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 3 January at 20:00