Soccer on Friday 3, September at 20:00

→ Organized by Matteo Massaro Check

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:00


Feri (added by Matteo Massaro Check)
bobo 1 (added by Matteo Massaro Check)
Luca (added by marius)
Mario 1 (added by marius)
Ruggero Innocente Won't be there

Enrico joined the match

Stefano Volpe joined the match

Matteo Massaro Check has blocked a spot for Feri

Ruggero Innocente joined the match

marius joined the match

Nico R9 joined the match

Matteo Massaro Check

02/9 07:11

Datemi una mano a cercare qualcuno, proviamo a non saltare anche questo venerdì


02/9 09:23

Ho chiesto. ... aspetto risposte

Matteo Massaro Check has blocked a spot for bobo 1

Matteo Massaro Check

02/9 09:32


Ruggero Innocente left the match


02/9 12:04

Non ho capito se serve i no il grenn pass.

Matteo Massaro Check

02/9 12:07

Serve per farsi la doccia

marius has blocked a spot for Luca

ratta luca joined the match

ratta luca left the match

marius has blocked a spot for Mario 1

ratta luca joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

ratta luca

03/9 07:59

Raga porto uno io fatto 10


03/9 08:01

Grande Luca

ratta luca

03/9 08:02

Raga porto uno io fatto 10

Matteo Massaro Check

03/9 09:04


Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 3 September at 20:00