Soccer on Monday 23, December at 20:00

→ Organized by Matteo Massaro Check

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:00


Papo (added by Giovanni Cacco)
Stefano (added by Giovanni Cacco)
Senatore Marcus (added by Zlatan Van der Kierkegaard jr.)
Matteo (added by Giovanni Cacco)
Matteo Massaro Check Won't be there
Ruggero Innocente Won't be there

23/12 14:16

Rata di lunedi? Un miracolo

ratta luca

23/12 16:48

Regalo di natale...cmq passala mariusssss

Loris Lovo

23/12 19:48

Sono 5 minuti in ritardo arrivo

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 23 December at 20:00