Soccer on Saturday 21, September at 22:00

→ Organized by Rabie

Open soccer match
22:00 → 23:00
Rachid007 Has been invited
Abderazak Has been invited
Younsi salim Has been invited
Djebar remila Has been invited
Siouda mimichool Has been invited
Massî Has been invited
Salim M Has been invited

Rabie has blocked a spot for Djebar

Ressad Belaid joined the match

Issaad Mounir joined the match

Djamel 2 joined the match

Roumane joined the match

Nor game joined the match

Nor game

19/9 23:16

Svp respectez les horaires,celui qui n’est pas disponible il suffit d’annnuler sur, bonne journée à tous.

Djou joined the match

Rachid F joined the match

Hakim Ladj joined the match

Ali75 joined the match

Robot Assistant

20/9 22:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Rachid007, Abderazak , Younsi salim, Djebar remila, Siouda mimichool , Massî, Salim M invited players have received a reminder

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