Soccer on Sunday 19, February at 17:30

→ Organized by Loutfinho

Open soccer match
17:30 → 19:00


Zak (added by Loutfinho)
Billy (added by Loutfinho)
Pote bilal (added by Loutfinho)
Nadir (added by Loutfinho)
Zaki Removed
Edwin P Won't be there
Nadir Removed
Hicham23 Won't be there
Pote bilal2 Removed
Zaouuii Won't be there
12omain Won't be there
arnito Won't be there
Rizoum Has been invited
Mohamed Has been invited
Thibault-foot Has been invited
Ruslan Has been invited
Lotfi69 Has been invited
Micka D Has been invited
Augustin Has been invited
Akiim47 Has been invited
Yacine YYY Has been invited
BSoufiane Has been invited
YM Has been invited
Halabi Has been invited
SofianeBaha Has been invited
Walt Has been invited
YacineDZ Has been invited
Andresito Has been invited
Twihess Has been invited
Z Has been invited
Benjamin2 Has been invited
zakaria Has been invited
Farouck Has been invited
Mick7 Has been invited
Ramzy69 Has been invited
Fred L Has been invited
Adrien 69 Has been invited
Foued57 Has been invited
Said Has been invited
Adri Has been invited
Hamza radi Has been invited
Mehdi Has been invited
ChouaibM Has been invited
Giuliano8 Has been invited
Billgates69 Has been invited
Pik Has been invited
Mimino69 Has been invited
ridha Has been invited
Nath Has been invited
joao claudio Has been invited
Stefoot Has been invited
Lionnet Has been invited
Nrik Has been invited

Loutfinho has blocked a spot for Zak

Loutfinho has blocked a spot for Zaki

Loutfinho has blocked a spot for Billy

Mohamed tahar joined the match

Bilal joined the match

Badisou joined the match

Zaouuii joined the match

Nadir joined the match

Loutfinho has blocked a spot for Pote bilal

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


14/2 15:30

Salam, rappel c à sunset à MIONS à 17h30 pour 1h30

Loutfinho has removed the player Zaki

Loutfinho has blocked a spot for Pote bilal2

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Zaouuii left the match

Divdiv1987 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


18/2 13:46

Salut, rappel demain c à sunset mions à 17h30. Tout le monde est tjrs OK?


18/2 14:55



18/2 15:18



18/2 15:43

Nadir, Bilal,mouha, toujours Ok?

Mohamed tahar

18/2 15:44



18/2 15:46

Pour moi et mohamed ca sera ok


18/2 15:46

Par contre j'ai un shab qui se désiste si vous avez un gars je regarde de mon côté moi


18/2 15:47

Au pire jai ayoub


18/2 15:55

Bilal je demande à amine et lotfi pour voir si ils sont dispo


18/2 15:57


Loutfinho has removed the player Pote bilal2


18/2 17:56

Nadir tu viens ?

Hamza SAK joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


19/2 11:47

Salam, Nadir répond pas on fait quoi?


19/2 13:03

Faut en trouver un autre

Nadir has been removed from the players


19/2 14:09

J'ai enlevé Nadir, je lui envoyer un texto il répond pas. Donc si vous connaissez quelqu'un qui est chaud pour jouer n'hésitez pas

Loutfinho has blocked a spot for Nadir

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


19/2 14:17

C’est bon loutfi?


19/2 14:20

Oui, la prochaine fois si on confirme pas je supprime le joueur.


19/2 14:22



19/2 14:35

Qui remplace nadir du cp


19/2 14:44

Il a fini par répondre à mon texto.

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 19 February at 17:30