→ Organized by Michel Darda
05/1 16:31
Allez, c’est la reprise ⚽️
Thib Moneyron joined the match
Romain Darda joined the match
BriceM joined the match
Florent joined the match
Floro Thomas joined the match
Thib Moneyron left the match
08/1 20:00
The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?
Yannick Casanova joined the match
Charles joined the match
Thomas joined the match
09/1 11:45
Allez les gars, pas au dernier moment svp Encore 4 au moins !
Boussard sebastien joined the match
09/1 13:35
En ce qui me concerne j'arrête.
09/1 15:11
Eh beh. Ce n'est pas gagné encore
romain. joined the match
09/1 15:58
Un peu mal au genou mais va s'y
Ibrahima joined the match
09/1 17:53
On joue à partir de combien ?
09/1 17:54
Je sais pas... si tout le monde est d'accord pour 12 on joue à 12, mais bon y en a bien un dans le lot qui ne voudra pas jouer à 12 malheureusement
09/1 18:09
Moi 12 ça me va mais faut qu’on soit 12 déjà 😅
09/1 18:15
Moi aussi ok pour 12 faut reprendre
09/1 18:25
Moi suis saoulé mais si 12 je viens
09/1 18:26
C'est bon on est 12 ça joue
Romain Darda has blocked a spot for +1 pote de Romain
Kick-off : match is starting
09/1 20:00
Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!
09/1 22:00
The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.
The match is over
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This match was played on the Thursday 9 January at 20:00
05/1 16:31
08/1 20:00
09/1 11:45
09/1 13:35
09/1 15:11
09/1 15:58
09/1 17:53
09/1 17:54
09/1 18:09
09/1 18:15
09/1 18:25
09/1 18:26
09/1 20:00
09/1 22:00
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