Soccer on Thursday 12, January at 20:00

→ Organized by Michel Darda

Open soccer match
20:00 → 22:00
Boussard sebastien Won't be there
Delgrande Won't be there
Charles Won't be there
damien ANDOLFO Has been invited
Jack Attack Has been invited
Nico Has been invited
Tony Has been invited
Quilez julien Has been invited
Virasolvit Has been invited
Remy Brunier Has been invited
Souhaiel Has been invited
Julien Has been invited
Valère Has been invited
BOURROUILHOUpierre Has been invited
Chaigneau ludovic Has been invited
Alexandre Grassioulet Has been invited
Rmazouz Has been invited
PAT Has been invited
Basti1 Has been invited
vnt yann Has been invited
Pierre Coll Has been invited
Gueydon Has been invited

Yutwing Emeric joined the match

Thib Moneyron joined the match

Charles joined the match

Jeremy Cuvelier joined the match

Yutwing Emeric has blocked a spot for Alex

Julien Goiran joined the match

Christophe 13180 joined the match

Yannick Casanova joined the match

Pedro Dinis joined the match

Fky joined the match

Mato84 joined the match

Mato84 has blocked a spot for eliott

Mayeul joined the match

BenjaminB joined the match

Floro Thomas joined the match

viancito joined the match

Michel fana joined the match

Floro Thomas has blocked a spot for +1

Kiril joined the match

Yutwing Emeric

12/1 13:24


Christophe 13180

12/1 13:32

Y a mes poumons qui disent à ma tête qu'ils sont moyen chauds pour le grand terrain 😆

Yutwing Emeric

12/1 13:45

Tu sais si chacun respecte sa position, pas besoin de beaucoup courir

Mato84 has blocked a spot for vadim

Nicolas D. joined the match

Christophe 13180

12/1 15:46

Bon ça va vraiment finir sur grand terrain cette affaire ...

Yutwing Emeric

12/1 15:51

On y est... 😂

Jeremy Cuvelier

12/1 16:22

Trop bien. Ça se tente au moins 30 min non ?
Moi je m’en moque je suis goal à vie 😅

Yutwing Emeric

12/1 16:25

Mais bien sûr que ça se fait même 1h30

Christophe 13180

12/1 17:09

Les gens sont motivé en 2023 😆 bientôt 32 inscrits pour faire 4 équipe de 8 ...

Hugo joined the match

Charles left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 12 January at 20:00