Soccer on Sunday 22, January at 10:30

→ Organized by Mehdi spoon

Open soccer match
10:30 → 12:00


Ilyes33 Won't be there
Manu Removed
Gautier Bdn Won't be there
DoubleH Has been invited
Moxx33 Has been invited
Vega Has been invited
pie-leroy Has been invited
AntoineP Has been invited
Cyril93 Has been invited
Nabil-H Has been invited
Corent Has been invited
Alexpaya Has been invited

Romain Lcte joined the match

Derbal joined the match


16/1 15:21

Je m'inscris mais c'est marwane qui vient à ma place en revanche on ne peut pas ajouter des joueur si tu peux modifier les paramètres.

Mehdi spoon

16/1 16:30

C'est bon, c'est modifié. Vous pouvez ajouter des joueurs

Gautier Bdn joined the match

Aymane Ak joined the match

Aminovic10, Bibo, DoubleH, Moxx33, Vega, pie-leroy invited players have received a reminder

Mehdi spoon has blocked a spot for Manu

Bibo joined the match

realmehdi33 joined the match

realmehdi33 has blocked a spot for mohamed

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

realmehdi33 has blocked a spot for walid

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


19/1 17:17

Ça va mehdi? j ai inscrit mohamed et une autre personne si ça pause soucis, dis moi j'enleverai walid.

Mehdi spoon

19/1 17:35

Pas de souci.
Moi je ne serai pas là, c'est Hakim qui me remplace.
Bon match

Mehdi spoon

19/1 17:35

Attention c'est au ginga de Mérignac !

Aminovic10 joined the waiting list


20/1 19:09


Aminovic10 automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Gautier Bdn left the match

Mehdi spoon

21/1 11:57

Attention il manque un joueur !

Mehdi spoon has removed the player Manu

Mehdi spoon has blocked a spot for Nasser

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


21/1 14:18

Bonjour, quelqu'un passe par geant villenave pour aller au ginga demain?


21/1 14:51

Je passe te récupérer si tu veux hakim


21/1 15:24

Slt hakim je serais remplacé par marwane. Je vous dis à dimanche prochain. Bon match


21/1 19:38

Bilel c'est pour un ami a moi


21/1 19:38

Si tu fais un detour te prend pas la tete


22/1 10:29

dsl j ai 10 mnt de retard

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 22 January at 10:30