Soccer on Friday 14, April at 12:20

→ Organized by Tigermic35

Open soccer match
12:20 → 13:30


Gael (added by Tigermic35)
Flo (added by Tigermic35)
Tiff (added by Tigermic35)
Flo 2 (added by Tigermic35)
Pierre (added by Tigermic35)
Laurent (added by Tigermic35)
Simon (added by Tigermic35)
Amine Removed
Gaelinho Won't be there

Tigermic35 has blocked a spot for Gael

Tigermic35 has blocked a spot for Flo

Tigermic35 has blocked a spot for Tiff

Tigermic35 has blocked a spot for Flo 2

Tigermic35 has blocked a spot for Pierre

Tigermic35 has blocked a spot for Laurent

Tigermic35 has blocked a spot for Amine

Tigermic35 has blocked a spot for Simon

Rogers joined the match

The match is full

Tigermic35 has removed the player Amine


14/4 10:44

J'ai un désistement ce matin, au pire on jouera à 9

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 14 April at 12:20