Soccer on Tuesday 12, April at 19:15

→ Organized by Erylios

Open soccer match
19:15 → 20:15

Charles-Alexandre Rasamimanana joined the match

Charles-Alexandre Rasamimanana joined the match

Pablinho joined the match

Pablinho joined the match

VanDerJok joined the match

Pernaude joined the match

Martinhios joined the match


12/4 10:02

Vous êtes là pour la cup ?

EnzoWind joined the match

VanDerJok has blocked a spot for Antoine

Matthew James joined the match

VanDerJok has blocked a spot for Gérald

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


12/4 15:13

Bonjour je suis disponible ce soir. Si vous avez besoin d’un joueur (très motivé)

POUDI joined the waiting list


12/4 15:14

Niveau compétition. Bonne journée


12/4 15:14

Nous sommes full désolé


12/4 15:16

Pas de problème, bon match

Boualem joined the waiting list

Matthew James

12/4 19:02

La résa est à quel nom ?

Kick-off : match is starting


12/4 19:18

Au nom de charles

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 12 April at 19:15