Soccer on Monday 4, October at 22:00

→ Organized by Brianbl9

Open soccer match
22:00 → 23:00


Brazza (added by Brianbl9)
Toiine (added by Brianbl9)
Bryan (added by Brianbl9)
MRIK (added by Brianbl9)
Dorian (added by Brianbl9)
Lenny (added by Brianbl9)
Brazza Removed
Brazza Removed

Brianbl9 has blocked a spot for Brazza

Brianbl9 has blocked a spot for Brazza

Brianbl9 has blocked a spot for Brazza

Brianbl9 has removed the player Brazza

Brianbl9 has removed the player Brazza

Brianbl9 has blocked a spot for Toiine

Brianbl9 has blocked a spot for Bryan

The organizer has edited the lineups

Brianbl9 has blocked a spot for MRIK

The organizer has edited the lineups

Brianbl9 has blocked a spot for Dorian

Brianbl9 has blocked a spot for Lenny

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 4 October at 22:00