→ Organized by Cristina Borges
Cristina Borges has removed the player Ines BP
Cristina Borges has blocked a spot for Tiago Carreto
Gustavo Rietsch joined the match
Ines BP joined the match
RaulBritto joined the match
Luis_06 joined the match
Tiago Aguiar joined the match
Mafalda Marques joined the match
Pedro Salvado joined the match
Inês Silva joined the match
The match is full : a waiting list is now available
Afonso Morais joined the waiting list
Hugo M. Silva joined the waiting list
LuisBaptista joined the waiting list
Hugo M. Silva left the waiting list
Afonso Morais left the waiting list
Kick-off : match is starting
The match is over
Votes for the match of the match are open
This match was played on the Tuesday 4 July at 19:30