OPEN FOOT - 20 DHS/PERSONNE - MATCH OUVERT À TOUS! on Wednesday 19, April at 23:00

→ Organized by F5 Kech

Open soccer match
23:00 → 00:00


abderrahim (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
mehdi (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
oussama (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
faissal (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
kamal (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
hicham (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
raghib (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
abd lghani (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
F5 Kech Won't be there
Younes Ouled sidi ali

19/4 19:09

Ikhwan kayen chi wa7ed jay men dawdia idini m3ah

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 19 April at 23:00