5 vs 5 on Thursday 5, January at 23:00

→ Organized by Abderrahim

Open soccer match
23:00 → 00:00


Khalid (added by Abderrahim)
Mohamed ait balayd (added by Abderrahim)
Hicham (added by Abderrahim)
Hamza (added by Abderrahim)
Boghali (added by Abderrahim)
Warzazi (added by Abderrahim)
Saghir (added by Abderrahim)
Hassan (added by Abderrahim)
Mohmed ihya (added by Abderrahim)
F5 Kech

03/1 10:50

Salam Abderrahim, comment vas-tu? Il faut nous appeler pour confirmer la disponibilité du terrain ou tu peux nous envoyer un SMS


03/1 21:55


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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 5 January at 23:00