OPEN FOOT - 50% DE RÉDUCTION - MATCH OUVERT À TOUS on Monday 2, January at 20:00

→ Organized by F5 Kech

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:00


Rachid idali (added by KADIRI 12)
Ikidid abdeljalil (added by KADIRI 12)
Jakani ilyass (added by KADIRI 12)
F5 Kech Won't be there
Mohamed amine ettaqi Won't be there
MarouaneLan Won't be there
Jamal Eddine TALBI Won't be there
Mohamed amine ettaqi

20/12 23:03

Annulation raison voyage


21/12 20:29

Numero de jamel eddine talbi et Ayoub AF

F5 Kech

27/12 22:57

C'est sur leur profiles

Jamal Eddine TALBI

01/1 17:23

my apologies folks, i have something urgent to do tomorrow. another time inchaallah

F5 Kech

02/1 11:52

Bonjour les amis, encore 5 places disponible pour ce soir à 19h.
Bonne année 2017

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 2 January at 20:00