OPEN FOOT - Match GRATUIT - ouvert à tous on Tuesday 27, December at 20:00

→ Organized by F5 Kech

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:00


Yasser (added by essaoudi imad )
Younes (added by essaoudi imad )
Oussama (added by essaoudi imad )
Abdelhamid (added by essaoudi imad )
Wael (added by essaoudi imad )
Ghofrane (added by essaoudi imad )
Samir (added by essaoudi imad )
Mohammed (added by essaoudi imad )
Hakim (added by essaoudi imad )
F5 Kech Won't be there
F5 Kech

15/12 19:49

Bienvenu sur Footinho les amis. Je vous encourage a créer votre profile et inviter vos amis. Mrahba bikoum

F5 Kech

23/12 15:07

Salam Imad wach moumkin tgoule lasshabek li fhad le match Yi dirou le profile dyalhoum fi Footinho bach koulhoum Yi choufou les messages et les matchs li moujoudine.
Ila moumkin t confirme liya had l match

essaoudi imad

23/12 15:10

Ok Daban ngoulha lihoum

F5 Kech

24/12 18:59

Merci Imad

essaoudi imad

25/12 20:10

Salam wa7d dri bgha ydine sn profil ms tat tji erreur

F5 Kech

26/12 12:46

Ghir goulih yi khrouj mel la page Footinho wa3aoud yadkhoul. wla yi jarab l'application

essaoudi imad

26/12 12:58

Howa direct jereb app

essaoudi imad

26/12 13:18

Ce match est confirmé ?

F5 Kech

26/12 22:42

Le match est déjà confirmé, c'est toi qui doit confirmer avec tout les joueurs sur la liste.

essaoudi imad

26/12 22:44


F5 Kech

27/12 17:34


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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 27 December at 20:00