OPEN FOOT - Match GRATUIT - ouvert à tous on Tuesday 20, December at 20:00

→ Organized by F5 Kech

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:00


fenjali said (added by Mohamed amine ettaqi)
abderahim (added by Mohamed amine ettaqi)
doulkifl aitrai (added by Mohamed amine ettaqi)
doukali adil (added by Mohamed amine ettaqi)
F5 Kech Won't be there
Jamal Eddine TALBI Won't be there
Jamal Eddine TALBI

19/12 21:01

sam7oo lia bzaaff maghadich nkon demain j suis malade. allah inajikom

F5 Kech

19/12 22:11

Labass 3lik khoya Jamal. Allah yi chafi
A bientôt

F5 Kech

20/12 11:14

Yalla a chabab, mazal blassa kayna lyoum . 3aytou lsshabkoum

Mohamed amine ettaqi

20/12 12:47

Salam bghit n3arf wach drari lkhrine ghadi yjiw ou pas bghit confirmation

Moudden Mohamed Amine

20/12 13:35

Drarii wach laa3biin foot 5??

Mehdi moutaoukil

20/12 13:45

ah la3bin f foot 5 f marrakech rah kayn f tri9 fes

Mohamed amine ettaqi

20/12 15:27

Desole j joue pas ta wahd confirma lia et khass 1 joueur f lautre equipe . Ana deja 3ndi equipe fiha 5 . Desole ndiroha mra khra inchalah


20/12 15:29

j ai trouvé la personne likant khassa c bon !

Mohamed amine ettaqi

20/12 15:52

Drari wach kamlin?

F5 Kech

20/12 16:09

Salam Mohamed. Majayin mouchkil. Ila khass chi wahed rah 3andna des remplaçants fel F5

Mohamed amine ettaqi

20/12 16:09

Moutawakil khasso yconfirmi wach jay

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 20 December at 20:00