OPEN FOOT - Match GRATUIT - ouvert à tous on Friday 16, December at 20:00

→ Organized by F5 Kech

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:00


Mohamed Amine Ettaqi (added by Khalil Bekkare)
Doulkifl (added by Khalil Bekkare)
mohamed Ait mokhtar (added by Khalil Bekkare)
adil ben salk (added by Khalil Bekkare)
Abderahim (added by Mohamed amine ettaqi)
Hamza (added by Mohamed amine ettaqi)
Redouane ayoub (added by Mohamed amine ettaqi)
Yassine ayoubi (added by Mohamed amine ettaqi)
F5 Kech Won't be there
Abdessamad Al Won't be there
Jamal Eddine TALBI Won't be there
F5 Kech

16/12 14:08

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 16 December at 20:00