Soccer on Wednesday 5, April at 16:00

→ Organized by Sylgustavo

Open soccer match
16:00 → 18:00


Axel (added by Sylgustavo)
Nico.s Won't be there
Lunrud Won't be there
Remio Won't be there
Joris Modrić Won't be there
Joris BELLOT Won't be there
Niconh90 Won't be there
Gatto Won't be there
LudoNapoli Won't be there
Brehin Christophe Won't be there
Pierre bonilla Won't be there
Rem Won't be there
Pisibon Won't be there
Olivieraristote Won't be there
Fornasero13 Won't be there
Toto83170 Won't be there
ClémentH125 Won't be there
Kekenho Won't be there
Fabinho Won't be there
Benez Won't be there
Lucas3107 Won't be there
Gaby137 Won't be there
Aveline Won't be there
Jolympique Has been invited
Paz Has been invited
Bullen yos Has been invited
Mazzoli Has been invited
NINOU MCA Has been invited
Gallassana Diarra Has been invited
Yannis1313 Has been invited
Flotirone Has been invited
Rodenas Jérôme Has been invited
A.MATTIO Has been invited
Mel20 Has been invited
Thomasinho Has been invited

Benez joined the match

Benez joined the match

Sylgustavo left the match

Lucas3107 joined the match

Gaby137 joined the match

Aveline joined the match

Jo Politano

03/4 13:28

Ajoute axel

Invited players have been notified

Sylgustavo has blocked a spot for Axel

Didou_Busquets joined the match


04/4 16:30

10 pour un futsal

Benez left the match

Lucas3107 left the match

Gaby137 left the match


05/4 05:57

Je vais annuler le match....

Aveline left the match

Sylgustavo cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

You can't join this match because it was canceled.