Soccer on Friday 24, March at 19:45

→ Organized by John

Open soccer match
19:45 → 21:30
Malik Removed
Selim13 Won't be there
Armel Won't be there
samuel38 Won't be there

John has blocked a spot for David

John has blocked a spot for Redwan

John has blocked a spot for Malik

AbdelM joined the match

Selim13 joined the match

Khalid28 joined the match

Selim13 left the match

Armel joined the match

John has removed the player Malik

Armel left the match

AntwnG joined the match

samuel38 joined the match

samuel38 left the match

Maxence Carone joined the match

Emmanuel AMB joined the match

Gallerand joined the match

Julien 69008

23/3 19:42

Bonjour le match est situé où svp??

John cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

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