Soccer on Thursday 31, March at 17:30

→ Organized by Danielnvz69100

Open soccer match
17:30 → 19:30


Max (added by Danielnvz69100)
Lucio (added by Danielnvz69100)
Sebastien (added by Danielnvz69100)
Emir (added by Danielnvz69100)
Moha (added by Danielnvz69100)
Pote Max (added by Danielnvz69100)
Jérome (added by Danielnvz69100)
Ilias (added by Danielnvz69100)
Rames G (added by Danielnvz69100)
Imad (added by Danielnvz69100)
Yan Removed
Diego Removed
Yanis Removed
Théo Removed
Malone_973 Won't be there

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Yan

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Max

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Diego

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Lucio

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Sebastien

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Yanis

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Théo

Julien 69008 joined the match

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Emir

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Moha

Will97429 joined the match

Jonathan joined the match

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Pote Max

Danielnvz69100 has removed the player Théo

Danielnvz69100 has removed the player Diego

Danielnvz69100 has removed the player Yanis

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Jérome

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Ilias

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Rames G

Malone_973 joined the match

Danielnvz69100 has blocked a spot for Imad

The match is full

Danielnvz69100 has removed the player Yan

Malone_973 left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open


31/3 20:01

Merci d’être venu les gars, ceux qui veulent être ajoutés dans le groupe envoyez vos numéros et noms


31/3 20:05

06 25 72 73 73

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 31 March at 17:30