Soccer on Thursday 26, January at 20:30

→ Organized by Pappalardo pierre

Open soccer match
20:30 → 21:30

Olivier8888 joined the match

Olivier8888 joined the match

Pappalardo pierre has blocked a spot for Clement

fredo13 joined the match

Nico joined the match

Tom J joined the match

Alex_J joined the match

Mika joined the match

Granados joined the match

Alex lalouche joined the match

The match is full


25/1 21:21

Si vous avez 1 gars de plus je suis malade 🤧 pas sûr d’être au point pour demain


25/1 21:38

Salut fredo, tu remets ça après la grippe?! Si tu le sens pas, tu peux te désinscrire, je crois que Nathan est chaud. A la prochaine !


25/1 21:44

J’ai une bronchite
Pas sûr d’être au top demain
Si vs avez quelqu’un échangé moi


26/1 08:41

OK, ça marche, Nathan prend ta place. Remets toi bien

fredo13 left the match

Natinho joined the match

The match is full

The organizer has edited the lineups

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 26 January at 20:30