Soccer on Friday 6, September at 20:00

→ Organized by Collectif FA

Open soccer match
20:00 → 22:00

Godson77 joined the match

Sallem joined the match

Tajini said joined the match

Andrea97 joined the match

Collectif FA

17/7 21:10

Merci de m’appeler au 0689260100 si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre!
Le président du Collectif FA

Constantin joined the match

Collectif FA

19/7 11:54

Il faut m’appeler pour pouvoir venir jouer!

Wils joined the match

The match is full

Godson77 left the match

Masmoudi firas joined the match

Masmoudi firas left the match

Glibi joined the match

Glibi joined the match

Mahjabine joined the match

The match is full


31/7 14:24

Bjr je veux m’inscrire au foot mais si je suis une fille c’est grave ?

Mahjabine joined the match

The match is full

Mahjabine left the match

Mahjabine joined the match

The match is full


31/7 14:28

C’est où le match

Collectif FA cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

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