Soccer on Sunday 8, January at 14:00

→ Organized by Simodinho

Open soccer match
14:00 → 15:30


Anas (added by Simodinho)
Amine (added by Simodinho)
Omar (added by Simodinho)
Jj1 (added by Simodinho)
Jj2 (added by Simodinho)
Jj3 (added by Simodinho)
Jj4 (added by Simodinho)
Jj5 (added by Simodinho)
Jj6 (added by Simodinho)
Jj7 (added by Simodinho)
Jj7 Removed
Dalinho Has been invited
Essabi Has been invited
abtiss Has been invited

Simodinho has blocked a spot for Anas

Simodinho has blocked a spot for Amine

Simodinho has blocked a spot for Omar

Simodinho has blocked a spot for Jj1

Simodinho has blocked a spot for Jj2

Simodinho has blocked a spot for Jj3

Simodinho has blocked a spot for Jj4

Simodinho has blocked a spot for Jj5

Simodinho has blocked a spot for Jj6

Simodinho has blocked a spot for Jj7

Simodinho has blocked a spot for Jj7

mesta joined the match

Simodinho has removed the player Jj7

Ayymane left the match

Tahab joined the match

The match is full

Ayymane joined the match

The match is full


07/1 23:03

Aymane Tahab mesta vous confirmer ? On est 14 on peut jouer


07/1 23:05

Oui je confirme


07/1 23:07

Taha aussi


07/1 23:28

Super à demain

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 8 January at 14:00