foot 5 contre 5 sur synthétique on Friday 28, October at 14:00

→ Organized by Stefoot

Open soccer match
14:00 → 16:00


Ben Has been invited
Flo Has been invited
xavierw Has been invited
Thivent Has been invited
Maturana Has been invited
Kévin Has been invited
Sofiane Has been invited

24/10 19:33

t'es trop cool, pas très technique au foot mais t'es sympa !
merci pour les crampons superfly que tu m'as offert sous la, j'espere que tes boules se remettron pour jouer vendredi !!


24/10 20:19

oui tkt, pas de soucis, toi tu sait ce que tu veut !
a vendredi

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 28 October at 14:00