Soccer on Thursday 26, May at 19:00

→ Organized by Jean c

Open soccer match
19:00 → 20:00

Jean c left the match

Jean c has blocked a spot for Laurent

patazzo joined the match

Allenbach joined the match

K-reem13 joined the match

Mathieuuuuuuu joined the match

Jean c has blocked a spot for Bertrand

Mehdi joined the match

Jean c has blocked a spot for Alain

David13 joined the match

Jean c has blocked a spot for Antoine foot soccer

The match is full


26/5 15:35

Salut tout le monde !
C’est bien au soccer center 140 Rue Serpentine ?


26/5 15:37

Oui 👍🏻 a 19hrs


26/5 15:39

Ok 👌

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 26 May at 19:00