Soccer on Wednesday 28, December at 18:03

→ Organized by Nicolas27

Open soccer match
18:03 → 19:03


Anthony (added by Nicolas27)
Alexis (added by Nicolas27)
Dario (added by Nicolas27)
Ben (added by Nicolas27)
Marvin (added by Nicolas27)
Andy (added by Nicolas27)
Ben Removed
Jesse Won't be there
David Removed
Gregb Won't be there
AG NEUF Removed
Ben Has been invited
Nadirinho Has been invited
Guill Has been invited
Steph-6 Has been invited
Aparisi Has been invited
Malonga Has been invited
Gaël Has been invited
ReyJ Has been invited

Nicolas27 has blocked a spot for Anthony

Stéph 27 joined the match

Golgoth joined the match

Vince30 joined the match

Nicolas27 has blocked a spot for Ben

Titi delbosquet 7 joined the match

Gregb joined the match

Idir tamsaouete joined the match

Mohamed bellounes joined the match

The match is full

Mohamed bellounes joined the match

The match is full

Idir tamsaouete

25/12 18:30

Please guys if it possible to send the location of the match in this number +971585198620 and details
Best regards

Mohamed bellounes has been removed from the players

Idir tamsaouete has been removed from the players

Nicolas27 has blocked a spot for Alexis

Nicolas27 has blocked a spot for David

The match is full

Nicolas27 has removed the player Ben

Nicolas27 has blocked a spot for Dario

The match is full

The organizer has edited the lineups


27/12 17:40

Mon frère ne sera pas là mais Dario vient donc complet

Ben, Nadirinho, Guill, Steph-6, Aparisi, Malonga, Gaël, ReyJ invited players have received a reminder

Nicolas27 has removed the player David

Nicolas27 has blocked a spot for Ben

The match is full

Gregb left the match

Nicolas27 has blocked a spot for Marvin

The match is full

Titi delbosquet 7 has been removed from the players

AG NEUF joined the match

The match is full


28/12 16:16

Salut a tous, je viens de prendre la dernière place j’espère que tout est ok. J’ai envoyer un msg au numéro pour l’adresse via whattaps

AG NEUF has been removed from the players

Nicolas27 has blocked a spot for Andy

The match is full

The organizer has edited the lineups

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 28 December at 18:03