Soccer on Saturday 18, February at 22:30

→ Organized by Rabie

Open soccer match
22:30 → 23:30

Neila joined the match

Mohand Sahouli joined the match

Djebar remila joined the match

Oukaf joined the match

Neila left the match

Rachid F joined the match

Salim M joined the match

Hakim Ladj joined the match

Chabbi Ali joined the match

Djebar remila

17/2 23:04

Bonjour. Je joue à la place Mohamed.

Idir akerma joined the match

Zahir joined the match


18/2 19:04

Bonjour, je suis malade. Je ne joue pas, si quelqu'un veut ramener un remplaçant !


18/2 19:04

Bon match

MEZEMATE joined the match


18/2 21:25


Nacer bejaia joined the match

Oukaf left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Saturday 18 February at 22:30