Soccer on Thursday 6, January at 19:00

→ Organized by Frank30

Open soccer match
19:00 → 20:00


Laurent (added by Frank30)
Fco (added by Frank30)
Alain (added by Frank30)
Mika Player Won't be there
Frank30 Won't be there
Benji Won't be there
Arnaud07 Has been invited
Bourdette Has been invited
Steffoot Has been invited

Steffoot joined the match

Frank30 has blocked a spot for Laurent

Mika Player

02/1 20:16

Retour pour moi le 20 janvier.
Bonne année à tous !
Santé et retournées 🤪.


03/1 11:37

Pas de foot pour moi aussi... Isolé jusqu'à jeudi inclus

Frank30 left the match


03/1 11:40

Oh, les gars vous avez passer la nuit ensemble..😳

Jerome joined the match

Arnaud07, Bourdette , Steffoot, Benji invited players have received a reminder

Benji joined the match

Frank30 has blocked a spot for Fco

Frank30 has blocked a spot for Alain

Benji left the match


06/1 15:02

Ducoup pas foot?

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