→ Organized by Hlilou78
Hlilou78 has blocked a spot for Imed B
Hlilou78 has blocked a spot for Kamel A
Hlilou78 has blocked a spot for Rachid B
Hlilou78 has blocked a spot for Tolga
Hlilou78 has blocked a spot for David
Hlilou78 has blocked a spot for Mounir
19/1 14:47
Vous êtes 7 c'est ça ?
19/1 15:00
Slt Giovani
Oui 7 pour le moment
19/1 15:28
Tu as des joueurs de dispo ?
19/1 16:04
Je peux trouver 3 joueurs oui c'est bon niveau
Parce que tous tes gars ils sont la
19/1 16:10
Va y pour 3 joueurs confirme moi
Une partie à jouer à 15h30
19/1 16:11
Pour le moment toujours 7 de notre côté
19/1 16:19
19/1 16:28
Bloque moi les places du coup said
19/1 16:34
19/1 16:36
Tu as les joueurs de ton coté ? On est 10 ?
Hlilou78 has blocked a spot for Giovani
The match is full : a waiting list is now available
Hlilou78 has blocked a spot for Pote giovani
Kick-off : match is starting
19/1 18:00
Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!
19/1 19:00
The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.
The match is over
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This match was played on the Sunday 19 January at 18:00
19/1 14:47
19/1 15:00
19/1 15:00
19/1 15:28
19/1 16:04
19/1 16:04
19/1 16:04
19/1 16:10
19/1 16:10
19/1 16:11
19/1 16:19
19/1 16:28
19/1 16:34
19/1 16:36
19/1 18:00
19/1 19:00
To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.