Soccer on Sunday 4, February at 11:30

→ Organized by samir

Open soccer match
11:30 → 13:00


David Removed
Pado Removed
Issa Removed
Lahcen Removed
Mohamed Delastagass Won't be there
Joueur 9 Removed
Joueur 1 Removed
Joueur 10 Removed
Joueur 10 Removed
Bassem Removed
YoucefBylkinho Won't be there
Rab Has been invited
Dado Has been invited
OmarioGG Has been invited
StartNess Has been invited
Alexandre Caputo Has been invited
Samba Has been invited
Brigan Has been invited
Salah13 Has been invited
Aïssa Has been invited
Oubella Has been invited

samir has blocked a spot for David

samir has blocked a spot for Pado

samir has blocked a spot for Blaise

El mountassir Mehdi joined the match

Abdel Messalti joined the match

Abdel Messalti has blocked a spot for Yanis

Mohamed Delastagass joined the match

The match is full

Mohamed Delastagass has blocked a spot for Issa

The match is full

Mohamed Delastagass has blocked a spot for Lahcen

The match is full

Mohamed Delastagass

31/1 01:47

Désolé une autre fois inchallah

Mohamed Delastagass has removed the player Lahcen

Mohamed Delastagass has removed the player Issa

Mohamed Delastagass left the match

Billel25 joined the match


02/2 20:35

Vous êtes tous sur de venir?


02/2 21:50


Abdel Messalti

02/2 23:11

J'essaie de confirmer avant demain.
Mais on n'est pas complet ?


03/2 00:06

On est 9/10

samir has blocked a spot for Joueur 9

Abdel Messalti

03/2 00:43

Ok je viens d'avoir confirmation pour la personne que je ramène, c'est donc bon pour nous deux 👍


03/2 01:22

Merci les gars

Robot Assistant

03/2 11:30

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

samir has removed the player Joueur 1

samir has blocked a spot for Joueur 10

The match is full


03/2 12:54

Dispo si désistement

samir has removed the player Joueur 10

samir has blocked a spot for Joueur 10

The match is full

samir has removed the player Joueur 9

samir has removed the player Joueur 10


03/2 18:33

Les gars il manque trois joueurs

samir has removed the player Pado

Abdel Messalti

03/2 19:17

Bassem est disponible pour jouer mais il ne s'est pas inscrit encore. Si c'est le cas, il en manque deux.

Abdel Messalti

03/2 19:20

Tu avais mis le match sur poteau non ?


03/2 20:28

Ouais je vais le remettre

samir has blocked a spot for Bassem


04/2 01:34

Les gars pour l’instant on est 8 si demain matin c’est rempli tant mieux sinon malheureusement ça sera annulé

Abdel Messalti

04/2 01:52

Oui ça va être compliqué. Il y'a Mehdi aussi qui n'a pas confirmé. Je me lève vers 10h, je viendrai voir si on est bien 10 confirmés inchallah. Sinon tant pis.


04/2 07:19

Si vous avez des contact n’hésitez pas à demander

samir has removed the player Bassem

samir has removed the player David

samir cancelled the match


04/2 09:15

C'est annulé ?

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

You can't join this match because it was canceled.