Soccer on Saturday 8, April at 17:30

→ Organized by Jamel

Open soccer match
17:30 → 19:00


Ali Won't be there
Issa Removed
Zak Removed
Salah13 Won't be there
Riquelme Has been invited
Davidguarin93 Has been invited
Kev971 Has been invited
Mourade 78 mantes Has been invited
Julien78 Has been invited
Nshuit Has been invited
Quentino Has been invited
Jr Estéban Has been invited
Zak95 Has been invited
Pyassine Has been invited
Akira Has been invited
Mimoun Has been invited
Bassem Has been invited
Salif Has been invited
Manolo78 Has been invited
Julien Has been invited
Ham Has been invited
Wutang7 Has been invited
Marwenn Has been invited
Nordine. Has been invited
NiRoN Has been invited

Bassem joined the match

Nabdel joined the match

Salah13 joined the match

El Hizaz joined the match

Wane. Y. joined the match

Mohamed Delastagass joined the match

Mohamed Delastagass has blocked a spot for Issa

Mohamed Delastagass has blocked a spot for Zak

Mohamed Delastagass has removed the player Issa

Mohamed Delastagass has removed the player Zak

Mohamed Delastagass

05/4 00:18


Mohamed Delastagass has blocked a spot for Khalil

Sacha Yancey joined the match


06/4 19:43

Salam les frères. J’espère que tout les inscrits sont sur d’être là samedi 👀


06/4 19:46

Yen nchAllah


06/4 19:46

Oui pr ma part. Inchaalah


07/4 07:27

Désolé les boy un imprévu !!😵‍💫

Salah13 left the match

Mohamed Delastagass

07/4 09:23

Je te confirm poir moi et les des autres sur d'être la !

Mohamed Delastagass has blocked a spot for Azdine

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

El Hizaz

07/4 12:15

Je confirme de ma part


07/4 21:57

Santa c’est bon pour toi demain ?


07/4 21:57

Mohamed c’est comment ? Finalement t’es là ou pas inchàAllah v


07/4 21:57



07/4 22:03

Mohamed à deja confirmé

Mohamed Delastagass

07/4 22:18

Mohamzd khalil et azdine on est la! Inchallah a demain les frères


07/4 22:32

Réservation au nom de qui svp ?


07/4 23:06

Qui connaît Santa ?


07/4 23:07

Merci Mohamed


07/4 23:07

Ali réservation au nom de Jamel

Wane. Y.

07/4 23:27

Salam confirmer pour moi


07/4 23:50

Merci Jamel


08/4 12:46

Santa et sacha c bon ?


08/4 13:27

J’ai eu tout le monde c’est bon

Mohamed Delastagass

08/4 14:30

À taleur les reufs

Wane. Y.

08/4 17:14

J'aurais dû retard

Wane. Y.

08/4 17:14

Je quitte Mantes-la-Jolie

Wane. Y.

08/4 17:18

Si un joueur fait le jouer le temps que j'arrive

El Hizaz

08/4 17:26

Je suis la j’ai pris le ballon

Kick-off : match is starting

Wane. Y.

08/4 17:43

Ok je suis là

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Saturday 8 April at 17:30