Soccer on Wednesday 15, February at 19:30

→ Organized by Giovapopop

Open soccer match
19:30 → 20:30


Louis (added by Giovapopop)
Jerem (added by Giovapopop)
Romain (added by Giovapopop)
Yanis (added by Giovapopop)
Jerem Removed
Jerem Removed
Nabdel Won't be there

Giovapopop has blocked a spot for Louis

Giovapopop has blocked a spot for Jerem

Giovapopop has removed the player Jerem

Giovapopop has removed the player Jerem

Giovapopop has blocked a spot for Romain

Giovapopop has blocked a spot for Yanis

Nabdel joined the match

Mac Felix joined the match

Nabdel left the match

Alex joined the match

Brigan joined the match

Kouams joined the match

Videira32 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 15 February at 19:30