Soccer on Friday 20, January at 18:30

→ Organized by Youssef

Open soccer match
18:30 → 20:00


Youcef (added by Youssef)
Ilies ben (added by Youssef)
Yacine (added by Youssef)
Farid med (added by Youssef)
Abou (added by Youssef)
Kouider (added by Youssef)
Akram (added by Youssef)
Cousin.A (added by Youssef)
Abdoul (added by Youssef)

Waiting List

Abdoul Removed
Bilel Removed

Youssef has blocked a spot for Youcef

Youssef has blocked a spot for Abdoul

Youssef has blocked a spot for Ilies ben

Youssef has blocked a spot for Yacine

Youssef has blocked a spot for Farid med

Youssef has blocked a spot for Abou

Youssef has blocked a spot for Kouider

Bilel joined the match

Youssef has removed the player Abdoul


18/1 19:34

Le prix de matach slvp

Youssef has blocked a spot for Akram

Youssef has blocked a spot for Cousin.A

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Bilel has been removed from the players

Youssef has blocked a spot for Abdoul

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Manrique joined the waiting list

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 20 January at 18:30