Soccer on Monday 2, January at 22:30

→ Organized by Giovapopop

Open soccer match
22:30 → 00:00


Cotta (added by Giovapopop)
Jerem (added by Giovapopop)
Coco (added by Giovapopop)
Fabio (added by Giovapopop)
Kams (added by Giovapopop)
Marvin (added by Giovapopop)
Jerem Removed
El idrissi Ali Won't be there
Samy Removed
Prestù Removed
Omar19 Won't be there

Giovapopop has blocked a spot for Cotta

Giovapopop has blocked a spot for Jerem

Giovapopop has removed the player Jerem

Giovapopop has blocked a spot for Coco

Giovapopop has blocked a spot for Fabio

MarwenGallala joined the match


02/1 15:27

Bonjour, il y’a deux matchs différents avec les mêmes joueurs ?!


02/1 15:35

Un aujourd'hui un demain

El idrissi Ali left the match

Giovapopop has blocked a spot for Kams

Giovapopop has blocked a spot for Samy

Giovapopop has blocked a spot for Marvin

The organizer has edited the lineups

Alex joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Prestù joined the waiting list


02/1 18:24

Bonsoir les gars, c’est good pour le match? Confirmé ?

Samba joined the waiting list


02/1 18:45



02/1 18:45

C'est 22h30

Hadjout Sehil adem joined the waiting list

Prestù automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Giovapopop has removed the player Samy

Samba automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Prestù has been removed from the players

Omar19 joined the waiting list


02/1 21:05

Bonsoir , je ne comprends pas ? J étais sur liste d attente ? Et c est un autre joueur qui prends ma place ?

Omar19 left the waiting list


02/1 21:45

Merci a l organisateur de m avoir retiré sans me prévenir ... A quoi ça sert de s inscrire ?
Bon match !


02/1 22:20

Je suis là 🤙🏼

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 2 January at 22:30