Soccer on Thursday 29, December at 20:00

→ Organized by ChrisF78

Open soccer match
20:00 → 21:30

ChrisF78 left the match

Tayèb joined the match

ChrisF78 has blocked a spot for Joueur 2

Omar19 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Omar19 left the match

Yousfi joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Videira32 joined the waiting list

Videira32 left the waiting list


29/12 09:46

Manque un joueur les gas pour ce soir

Youssef joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

frederic bellanger joined the waiting list

frederic bellanger automatically added to the match from the waiting list

frederic bellanger left the match

ChrisF78 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


29/12 17:16

Plus personne quitte c bon ? Les gas arrivé pour 19h50 45 svp 👍🏽 merci à ce soir


29/12 17:28

À ce soir

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 29 December at 20:00