Match 5vs5 - 2 places disponibles on Wednesday 30, March at 21:00

→ Organized by raphael

Open soccer match
21:00 → 22:30


1 (added by raphael)
2 (added by raphael)
3 (added by raphael)
4 (added by raphael)
5 (added by raphael)
7 (added by raphael)
J1 (added by raphael)
Nshuit Won't be there
Wallid Has been invited
Mounirho Has been invited
Rom Has been invited
KosVarane Has been invited
Marco Alves Has been invited

raphael has blocked a spot for 1

raphael has blocked a spot for 2

raphael has blocked a spot for 3

raphael has blocked a spot for 4

raphael has blocked a spot for 5

raphael has blocked a spot for 7

Oussama joined the match

Nshuit joined the match

raphael has blocked a spot for J1

The match is full


29/3 23:58

On est complet pour demain. Le nom de la resa est Raphaël

Nshuit left the match


30/3 11:37

Complet ?

Kev971 joined the match

The match is full


30/3 19:10

Complet ?

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 30 March at 21:00