Soccer on Thursday 10, February at 21:30

→ Organized by Abdel Messalti

Open soccer match
21:30 → 23:00


Yanis (added by Abdel Messalti)
Moh Won't be there
Maxime Won't be there
Belasco Won't be there
Zak95 Won't be there
Sly7 Won't be there

Abdel Messalti has blocked a spot for Yanis

Zak95 joined the match

Moh joined the match

Moh left the match

Maxime left the match

Belasco joined the match

Belasco left the match

Sly7 joined the match

Abdel Messalti

09/2 18:27

Salut, si on est pas au moins 7 avant minuit, je serai dans le regret d'annuler.

Zak95 left the match

Sly7 left the match

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