Soccer on Tuesday 17, August at 20:30

→ Organized by Moussiko

Open soccer match
20:30 → 22:00

Moussiko has blocked a spot for BEN

Moussiko has blocked a spot for MAMADOU

Moussiko has blocked a spot for BALA

Mimoun joined the match

Alex joined the match

AdR78 joined the match

popduh joined the match

Prestù joined the match


15/8 19:33

Bonjour, j' habite a Mantes la Jolie et je n’ai pas de voiture, quelqu’un vit ici pour pouvoir m’emmener ?


15/8 19:55

ou jusqu’à une gare voisine

Anto carap joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Anto carap

15/8 20:08

Nickel les gars

Jamel joined the waiting list

Brigan joined the waiting list

Brigan left the waiting list

Brigan joined the waiting list


17/8 10:43

Bjr à tous. Vous avez réservé sous quel nom ?


17/8 12:03

Bonjour au nom de Sylla .

Jamel left the waiting list

Yazid joined the waiting list


17/8 18:24

Du coup c'est OK pour ce soir ?

Anto carap

17/8 18:27

Yes 😉

Hebert kevin joined the waiting list

Hebert kevin left the waiting list

Hebert kevin joined the waiting list


17/8 19:00

Parfait 👍

Brigan left the waiting list

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 17 August at 20:30