Soccer on Sunday 6, September at 11:30

→ Organized by Manolo78

Open soccer match
11:30 → 13:00
Bobby Won't be there
Wane. Y. Won't be there
Alex Won't be there
Hichamovitch78 Has been invited
Tony_as Has been invited
Goussard91 Has been invited
popduh Has been invited
Samba Has been invited
Mounirho Has been invited
Prestù Has been invited
Hichamoviç78 Has been invited
Enes Has been invited
Badem Has been invited
Víctor Has been invited
Camara Has been invited
Mimoun Has been invited
Hakinio Has been invited
Salif Has been invited
Stève C. Has been invited
Benjamin benezet Has been invited
FLo Has been invited

04/9 16:48

Bonjour, le match dure 2h ?


04/9 16:50

Erreur dsl 1h30 de match de 11h30 à 13h . Je vais modifier

Yassine joined the match

Wane. Y.

04/9 17:08

Salut. Metci mai je joue a 10h matcj salah 13


04/9 17:09

Ok ca marche. ✌🏾


04/9 19:42

Merci pour l’invitation mais pas dispo

Bassem joined the match

Alessandro14 joined the match

Manolo78 has blocked a spot for Freddy

The match is full


05/9 00:07

Merci pour l invite mais pas dispo et puis vous êtes complet ! 😉

Jose A.

05/9 19:42

Bonjour.. Y á-t-il ancore une place pour le match?? salut a tous!

Bassem left the match


06/9 00:21

Désolé Manolo, impératif familial, j’espère que vous trouverez un remplaçant


06/9 00:30

Ben ya pas de souci


06/9 00:31

Jose bah comme tu peux le voir il reste une place j'espère que tu verras ce message pas trop tard

Bassem joined the match

The match is full


06/9 09:22

Je peux être les gars, c’est toujours maintenu ?


06/9 09:22

Être là


06/9 09:55

C'est maintenu


06/9 09:59


Kick-off : match is starting


06/9 11:37

on est que 3. Manolo ?


06/9 11:40

les gars vous arrivez ?

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Alessandro14 has been voted Man of the Match!

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 6 September at 11:30